Well not me - not yet - but this Sunday we went to the seventieth birthday party of a friend. At one time we went to weddings, 21st's (when they were celebrated) and christenings, now its 60th 70th and above birthday parties (and funerals too) The bad side of geting older I guess. Really annoying though, just got settled in excnaging gossip with old mates and the dh gets a phone-call from a customer 'must see him that afternoon no other time'. So what happens? We have to leave the party and come home so he can go and visit the guy! Was I pissed off!! It was the first time we had been out in weeks because the dh was so tied up with this job. Mind you I sulked so hard he took me to the pub for supper after that so a kind of result.
Nicer bit of the weekend, my little grandchildren came to stay the night on Saturday, I had forgotten the unearthly time littles get up! We were up the road feeding the ducks at 8.30am - not atime I knew existed on a Sunday.
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