Busy month! October 10th was indulgence day. I made my annual expedition to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Ally Pally. Determined not to spend too much - last year I certainly did - a new machine I seem to recall! Normally I go with my daughter this year I went alone so no-one to gossip and bitch with! My feet ached by the end but I did find some lovely bits and caught up with several old friends on the stands. My spoils are in the picture!
This week I went with friends from the RNA to visit Locks the hatmakers and Lobbs the bootmakers in St James St in London. Both places I have been to as a customer in my costume design days but this time I saw the works side especially at Lobbs. Fascinated by the detail that goes into making a pair of shoes, I truly never realised just how many pieces of pattern were needed for such a small item! And it was somewhat emotional to handle the wooden lasts that were used to make shoes for the Princess of Wales, Frank Sinatra and my own favourite David Niven. I did once have some boots made there for him for the Canterville Ghost years ago.
The saddest news of the month is the death of my beloved Mercedes A Class. The clutch collapsed and at £2000 to repair even I said enough was enough. I shed a tear or two as it went off to the fire brigade for rescue exercises, but even worse is not having a car at all. I have borrowed the builders van that the dh drives but it's not the same! He'll get round to finding a new car - eventually - but with finances as they are I dread to think when or what! The extension is taking up all his time and money. Finally we have some progress. The old staircase came out this week and at last I have some heat in my sewing room, not much elsewhere. The dining room had a temperature of 9% celcius the other day. I live in heavy fleeces and fur lined Uggs. Otherwise I am busy making costumes for the local music hall - again!
I have done 5 dame frocks, and am currently working on a highwayman sketch. Trying to make a 10foot diameter satin lined cloak in these filthy coditions was not exactly a breeze! But it looks good finished, now to make two Directoire gowns and loads of stocks sashes and hats
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