Had a great day yesterday and spent a day off visiting the Thames Valley Sewing group at a get-together in Reading. We all took lunch contributions and bits of stash(in the hope of slimming it down) and gossiped all afternoon. What a treat to talk sewing without anyone's eyes glazing over! Needless to say I brought back more than I went with! Some great silk dupion from Gabrielle and Jap silk from Pat, navy velour and loads of magazines too.
Today I thought I would take some pictures of my various hobbies and here are the results. I haven't included knitting or the cross-stitch box I have just finished, or the crewel work chair covers I have just started - those are for another post!
I started the dragon in the seventies (from Golden Hands) and never finished it. My daughter (then a baby) finally finished a year or so ago, so it was a UFO for thirty years IS this a record?!!!
My books I have postedto remind me to get going on High Kicks and Harvest Festival, because I have booked myself onto the course dear Annie Burgh is running at the Watermill at Posara in Tuscany. I have until late August to get a respectable amount written and edited into shape - more later...
are you going to tell the tale of the dragon cushion? :)
Ooh, do tell the tale of the dragon cushion!!! My mother has done the exact same dragon (I have a very vague feeling it was a Golden Hands pattern?), and it lived in a frame above her bed all my childhood - it was such a shock to see it here!
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