Finally after 18 months of planning we had to call off the Robin Hood Ball. We just couldn't sell enough tickets. I was pretty pissed off as you can imagine, but there was a silver lining. It meant I could go to the RNA conference which I had thought I was going to miss as it was the same weekend. So off I went to Chichester University with the car loaded to the gills. Well the weather forecast was so bad I took everything just in case.
Booking so late meant I wasn't in the main complex but tucked away in a student house one of 12 or so empty houses behind a line of huge trees. Just me, four bedrooms and a bathroom straight out of Bates Motel. I took one look at the shower and quickly decided I would wash instead. God! It was so scary! I chose a downstairs room and hoped for the best. Fine, until I got back from the bar and as I was getting into bed realised I had left the car lights on. So...I got dressed again and then found the dodgy front door lock (which even the uni man had struggled with) had locked itself, locking me inside in the process. I tried the back door but couldn't get round the wire fence and trees, so finally I climbed out of the very narrow, very high window ending up at one point with one foot somewhere round my ear and the other on the ground! Thank goodness I was once a dancer! Then I had to spend another 20 minutes trying to unlock the front door. And where were the security men when you needed them? Mind you, it might have taken some explaining!
Apart from that it was a great conference. The only photos I took were in the bar on night one, this one is M&B author Cathy Wade alias Kate Walker getting into the routine - (sorry Cathy!!) Lots of old mates to gossip with, some super workshops - and of course lots of books to buy apart from the goody bag full of them. I got Katie Fforde's new one Marraige Season and Giselle Green's Pandora's Box as well as Jane Wenham Jones's Writing Guide. Jane's talk was such a hoot I had to have it. Her story of the yoghurt and cucumber has us all howling with laughter - and in a chapel as well! And no - I won't tell all the story suffice to say it involved an Egyptian massuesse and the afore mentioned ingredients. Never have a Spa Experience in Egypt, girls!!!!