September saw a visit to the Olympic site - what a dissapointment! A Meccano box in the middle of weeds and a red rusty heaps of scaffold poles masquerading as a sculpture! I feel rather sorry for the hosts of visitors to it next year, they arrive expecting to see Buckingham Palce and the Tower and what do they get? A fly blown Stratford complete with druggies and wastelands - unless a major cleanup happens in the meantime.
More pleasing to me was seeing the Millenium embrideries at the Greenwich museum Fabulous work! Certainly worth a long trip to Woolwich Arsenal to see them.
October saw us doing a Murder Mystery for the WI to raise funds for Herts Air Ambulance - and raise them we did! Over £1000 for the nights work and fun to be thesping again!
And speaking of thesping I am working on the Music Hall costumes and about to start rehearsals for the Panto in the village. Never a quiet moment here - we had village Jazz night on Saturday, lovely trad jazz and supper in the village hall and we could walk home afterwards. The only downside to that was not being able to dance, my feet were itching and remembering smoky jazz clubs of the fifties - yes I am that old. The banjo player had been with Acker Bilk who coincidentally was a neighbour of ours years ago. I swear I spend more time in the village hall than I do at home what with one thing or another. We were serving soup lunches last week as another WI fundraiser, whisking around playing waitress was completely knackering I needed the afternoon to recover. Another WI event was our Autumn Council meeting at Broxbourne where we had the lovely Adam Henson from Countryfile as a speaker. Great natural speaker and such energy!